Clubs, Activities & Programs
Premier Academy offers a wide range of co-curricular activities are offered to students joining the academy. Students are not only encouraged to join at least one of these activities but become active participants and innovators of any other viable activities that will be exciting to them and the rest of the student body. We are very fortunate to have a wealth of resources on site towards these endeavors. Students are expected to take part in Inter-house activities such as Languages, Drama, Poetry recitation, Spelling Bee, Talent shows, Quiz, Oratorical contest, Debate among others.
Besides inter-class/house activities students are expected to join at least one Club and be active in one Program. Clubs have specific long term/continuous mission and that is to impact our students as future leaders and by stimulating creative thoughts. Programs have a seasonal mandate or are on-going and may not be confined to single weekly meetings. Amongst the clubs to choose from, are the following:
- Alchemist Club
- Creative Arts Club
- Book Club
- Coding Club
- Creative Life Skills Club
- Design It Yourself (DIY) Club
- Theatre & Cinema Club
- Public Speaking Club
- Photography Club
- Home Economics Club
- Health & Fitness Club
- Media Club
- Charity (POC) Club
- Singing & Instrumental Club
- Choreography Club
- Ted Ed Club
- Wildlife & Environment Club
- Yoyo Club
- Entrepreneurship Club

Programs on offer
- Scouting
- Drama Lessons
- Presidential Award Scheme (P.A.)
- First Aid
Students chose clubs/programs at the beginning of each academic year. Each grouping has a handbook that outlines its structure, programs, demands and general guidelines. The groups are as well affiliated to National, regional and international organizations that dispense similar mandate. Networking with other academic institutions is also encouraged.
These activities afford students an opportunity to relax from the rigors of academics in addition to developing all round personalities that are crucial for their future careers. In addition they help them to integrate into the global society as well as enriching their curriculum vitae and university admission.
Club/Programs orientation is done at the beginning of the academic year to ensure students make informed choices. It must be emphasized that besides academic achievement, student participation in co-curricular activities carries a lot weight in their admission to tertiary institutions. When they write personal statements as they apply for university admission, students are required to provide details/evidence of their non-academic achievements.
Therefore, participation in co-curricular activities is a vital pre-requisite of any student wishing to pursue ‘A’ level education in our school.