Pastoral Care
Here at Premier Academy we believe student well-being is of the utmost importance. The students spend the majority of their time at school and we wish to impart on them exemplary values to go along with the education that they are receiving. Bolstering self-esteem and improving communication are just some of the things that we focus on in pastoral care. We work very closely with counselling so that we can address the broader topics as well as those that are more personal and require a delicate touch.
Our pastoral curriculum contains topics that are beneficial to the boys and girls and make them think critically about information that is crucial now and for their futures as well. These pastoral lessons are conducted by the home room tutors as well as the pastoral coordinator and school counsellors where a varied approach is most beneficial.


As we are all aware COVID-19 has been present in the country for the last few months and we have had to take precautions with online learning to adhere to safety protocols. Our pastoral curriculum is being delivered online so that the students still have access to all the information we curated for them. The aforementioned curriculum is also being overhauled to better suit the current circumstances facing our country. We will adapt and make sure that the students do not lack for anything. The knowledge we impart and the kind of care we offer is determined by the times, but no matter how the information might change the assurance of quality remains a constant.
PSHE Curriculum
We recognize the importance of promoting the moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our students within the school core value system, and of preparing them for the opportunities and responsibilities of adult life. Our programmes allow the students to explore attitudes and values, to develop and justify personal opinions and to experiment with strategies for resolving a conflict.
Significant educational research has confirmed that children need a challenging curriculum delivered in an environment that provides social and emotional support as they grow up. That’s why in our school we provide a comprehensive Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum that is combined with guidance & counseling plus careers at different levels in all our key stages. Our Home room tutors are our greatest assets in dispensing this program with supervision from Key Stage coordinators. Every class is allotted a PSHE lesson within the regular school program. This year we have included assessment criteria for our PSHE program.
School Prefects
After thorough selection processes for prefects in prep and secondary schools, we take them through an overnight leadership workshop. Our prefects are trained on leadership and discover comprehensively what their roles are, how to handle their peers and relate with the teachers. They also learn how to balance their leadership responsibilities with academic work. In addition, we also take peer leaders through a selection process to work in conjunction with the prefects.